Blasts of Gas
The Secrets of Eyes and Seeing
The lively, conversational tone and blend of photos and cartoon-style art make The Eyes Have It: The Secrets of Eyes and Seeing a perfect blend of fun facts and serious science learning about the human eyes as well as the visual systems of other creatures. Here at last—a book that’s irreverent enough to captivate young readers, yet authoritative enough to win the praise of teachers, librarians, and parents.
Honors and Awards
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrator/Anna Cross Giblin Nonfiction Research Grant
Behind the Book
“I’ve written about eyes and vision before, but this is the first time I’ve explained what eye gunk is or discussed how police can use tears to solve crimes. Your eyes—and the eyes of other animals—are truly amazing. Did you know that T. rexmay have had the best vision ever or that some animals have three eyelids? These are just some of the incredible topics you can learn about by reading The Eyes Have It.”
“There is an amazing amount of information packed into every page … Fascinating information on the haw, or third eyelid that many animals have just below their outer lids. Did you know the haw opens and closes sideways instead of up and down, and that it’s transparent? There is a photograph of a man popping his eyeballs that made me yell out "EWWW!" … The information is unique and very up-to-date.”
—School Library Journal's Practically Paradise blog
“The Gross and Goofy Body' [series of books] enlivens physiology for kids, offering humorous yet scientific surveys of body functions in just under 50 pages each. Kids in grades 2-4 will find [these books] appealing and fun. Each blends photos with fun cartoons and photos of kids, along with plenty of basic physiology.”
—Children's Bookwatch
“Despite its irreverent moniker, the Gross and Goofy Body series offers detailed science facts in a fashion approachable enough to make it a welcome supplement to school textbooks. Each volume takes on a part or function of the body and then goes through the paces of description, metaphor, examples, data, and, most extensively, comparison to our animal counterparts. … the layout is fresh, clean, and colorful, sidebars keep things conversational, and the back matter is solid.”
The Eyes Have It
by Melissa Stewart
Benchmark Books, 2009
for Grades 3 to 5
ISBN  978-076-144-167-0
Purchase this book at your local independent bookseller or
Series at a Glance:
Gross and Goofy Body
Blasts of Gas   The Eyes Have It   Germ Wars!   Give Me a Hand   Here We Grow   It's Spit-acular!
Moving and Grooving   Now Hear This!   Pump It Up!   The Skin You're In   Up Your Nose!   You've Got Nerve!
Copyright 2001- Melissa Stewart. All rights reserved. All materials on this site may be copied for classroom or library use but may not be reprinted or resold for commercial purposes. This website is COPPA compliant. If you are a child under age 13 and wish to contact Melissa Stewart, please use the email address of a teacher, librarian, or parent with that adult’s permission. Webhost Privacy Policy.