Dino-mite Jokes about Prehistoric Life
Kids love to laugh while they learn, so they won’t be able to put this book down. Dino-Mite Jokes About Prehistoric Life features age-appropriate information about everything from early arthropods to dinosaurs and early humans written in a lively, engaging style. More than two dozen jokes and silly cartoony illustrations reinforce the concepts and add a whole lot of fun. A section at the end provides pointers for kids interested in writing their own jokes. And author Melissa Stewart encourages young comedians to submit jokes to her for publication on her blog, Celebrate Science.
Behind the Book
“The idea for Dino-Mite Jokes About Prehistoric Life and the other books in this series was hatched during school visits. It’s no secret that students learn best when new concepts are presented as part of a fun activity. And jokes are fun. That’s why I often use them at key points in my school visit programs.
“What’s more fun that hearing a joke? Retelling it to other people. And what’s the most fun of all? Writing original jokes and sharing them with classmates and family members. That’s why this book features a 7-page section with clear, simple directions that will guide students as they create their own jokes.
“Writing jokes is serious business. It requires critical thinking skills, encourages children to experiment with word play, and teaches students to write tightly and precisely. As young comedians craft science-themed jokes, their knowledge of science concepts is reinforced. So writing jokes about dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures is a great way to integrate science and language arts.”
Dino-mite Jokes about Prehistoric Life
by Melissa Stewart
Enslow, 2012
Super Silly Science Jokes
for ages 3-5
ISBN 978-0-76603-968-1
Purchase this book at your local independent bookseller or Amazon.com.
Series at a Glance:
Super Silly Science Jokes
Creepy Crawly Jokes about Spiders and Other Bugs   Dino-mite Jokes from Prehistoric Life   Mountains of Jokes about Rocks, Minerals, and Soil   Out of this World Jokes about the Solar System   Shockingly Silly Jokes about Electricity and Magnetism   Wacky Weather and Silly Season Jokes
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