

by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 5 to 7

ISBN 978–1‑4007–3636‑2

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This book reveals the secrets of some of North America’s most fas­ci­nat­ing birds. Learn how they fly, find food, migrate, and repro­duce. And find out what you can do to pro­tect them from envi­ron­men­tal threat.

Behind the Book

“I’ve loved going to Cape Cod ever since I was a child. Who knows how many hours I’ve spent explor­ing the tide pools or watch­ing the sander­lings feed at West Den­nis Beach? Research­ing this book was the per­fect excuse to return to the Cape, where I observed pip­ing plovers and a vari­ety of sand­pipers. One of my most impor­tant sources for this book was the new­ly pub­lished Sib­ley Guide to Bird Life and Behav­ior. While vis­it­ing Mr. Sibley’s web­site, I learned that he lived near­by‚ and I was able to meet him. The fol­low­ing year, his wife asked me to judge a sci­ence fair at their sons’ school. It was a lot of fun to talk to the stu­dents about their projects.”

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by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 5 to 7

ISBN 978–1‑4007–3636‑2

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or