

by Melis­sa Stewart

Com­pass Point Books, 2003

for Grades 3–5

ISBN 978–0‑7565–0971‑2

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Clear, sim­ple text explains the basics of mat­ter and describes the dif­fer­ences between atoms and mol­e­cules as well as ele­ments and compounds.

Behind the Book

“I wrote this book short­ly after meet­ing my hus­band, who is a physi­cist and an engi­neer. When­ev­er I had trou­ble with my research, I knew who to call.”

Series at a Glance

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Sim­ply Science


by Melis­sa Stewart

Com­pass Point Books, 2003

for Grades 3–5

ISBN 978–0‑7565–0971‑2

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or