Is the Bermuda Triangle Really a Dangerous Place?

and Other Questions about the Ocean

Is the Bermuda Triangle Really a Dangerous Place?

by Melis­sa Stewart

Lern­er Pub­li­ca­tions, 2011

for grades 4–6

ISBN 978–076136-097–1

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

The Bermu­da Tri­an­gle is a dan­ger­ous place.

Swal­low­ing ocean water can kill you.

Sharks can smell blood in the water from more than a mile way.

You’ve prob­a­bly heard these com­mon say­ings, but are they real­ly true? This book inves­ti­gates two dozen ques­tions about our planet’s oceans and explains why some are true and some are false.

Behind the Book

“This is the sec­ond book I’ve writ­ten for the Is that a Fact? Series, and I just love the fun tone and the Q & A for­mat. I learned so many inter­est­ing things about the ocean while I was research­ing this book.

“I dis­cov­ered that the world’s tallest ocean is in the mid­dle of the ocean and that blue whales are the loud­est ani­mals on Earth. I also learned that the world’s oceans con­tain 20 mil­lion tons of gold and the old­est ani­mals on Earth live in the deep blue sea. The ocean is so much more amaz­ing than I ever realized!”

Series at a Glance

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Is That a Fact?

Is the Bermuda Triangle Really a Dangerous Place?

by Melis­sa Stewart

Lern­er Pub­li­ca­tions, 2011

for grades 4–6

ISBN 978–076136-097–1

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or