Extreme Coral Reef!

Extreme Coral Reef

by Melis­sa Stewart

Smith­son­ian Q&A Series, 2007

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–0‑06111–575‑2

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

A coral is an ani­mal, but it sure doesn’t look one. Find out how corals live and grow, and how they cre­ate huge under­wa­ter struc­tures as their dead bod­ies slow­ly accu­mu­late over time. Coral reefs are among the most pro­duc­tive and diverse habi­tats on Earth, but they are now in dan­ger of dis­ap­pear­ing for­ev­er. Learn more about these amaz­ing ani­mals and find out how you can help save them.

Behind the Book

“While I was research­ing this book, my fam­i­ly vis­it­ed the Mex­i­can Riv­iera, and we could go snor­kel­ing along the coral reefs right off the beach of our resort. How cool is that! My hus­band and I saw many dif­fer­ent kinds of corals, includ­ing wrinkly brain coral and sea fans in every col­or of the rain­bow. We also saw sponges, sea stars, and an amaz­ing array of fish, such as box fish, par­rot­fish, groupers, but­ter­fly­fish, and even a man­ta ray. My broth­er-in-law won the prize for the best sight­ing, though — a moray eel. My under­sea explo­rations helped me bring the coral reef habi­tat to life for all my readers.”

Series at a Glance

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Smith­son­ian Q&A Series

Extreme Coral Reef

by Melis­sa Stewart

Smith­son­ian Q&A Series, 2007

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–0‑06111–575‑2

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.