Videos and Interactive Teaching Tools

for your classroom or library

Read­ing Rockets 
   inter­views Melissa

14 short video clips to share with your students

The Author-Illus­tra­tor Relationship

What hap­pens when the illustrator’s art doesn’t match what the author had in mind

How Young Writers
   Can Avoid Plagiarism

When stu­dents take the time to look at a top­ic through their own per­son­al lens, the writ­ing will be com­plete­ly their own.

Ick! From Research
   to Revision

What goes into research­ing,
writ­ing, and revis­ing
a non­fic­tion book?

Search­ing for Text
   Struc­ture Timeline

Find­ing the per­fect text struc­ture is crit­i­cal when writ­ing expos­i­to­ry nonfiction.

Rockin’ Research

Read the book and explore the research process.

Choos­ing a Topic

Read the book and dis­cov­er where the idea came from.

Time for Text Features

Read the book, watch the video, and do the activity.

In the Illus­tra­tor’s Studio

Read the book and learn how Amy Hevron cre­at­ed the art by paint­ing pieces of wood.

Revi­sion Decisions

Get an up-close, step-by-step look at the revi­sion process. 

The Pow­er of Similes

Read the book, down­load the Sim­i­les work­sheet, watch the video.

Using Vivid Verbs

Read the book, watch the video, and do the activity.

The Voice Choice

Read the book, down­load the Sim­i­les work­sheet, watch the video.