
What Teachers and Librarians Say

“I rec­om­mend Melis­sa with­out reser­va­tion.” (Rober­ta Bar­ri­cel­li, librar­i­an, Chelms­ford, MA)

“ … the pre­sen­ta­tions were clear, infor­ma­tive and inter­est­ing … Melis­sa is both tal­ent­ed and easy to work with.” (Judy Bell, media spe­cial­ist, Conant School, Acton, MA)

“The class was com­plete­ly engaged. … the activ­i­ty trans­formed my stu­dents’ writ­ing.” (Mar­i­lyn Freel, third grade teacher, Mul­ready School, Hud­son, MA)

What Kids Say

“Thanks for com­ing to our school. I nev­er knew about the big bang or that the same min­er­als can be found on Earth, Mars, Venus, and the Moon. I learned a lot.” (Fourth grade stu­dent, Acton, MA)

“I nev­er knew real writ­ers had to do so many revi­sions. I guess I shouldn’t get frus­trat­ed with my teacher when she makes us do it once.” (Fifth grade stu­dent, Shrews­bury, MA)

“I got a lot of help­ful hints on how to write. I think you inspired me to become a writer myself.” (Fourth grade stu­dent, Stow, MA)

“I like the way you read your book. You real­ly showed a lot of heart. I think you are a great author.” (First grade stu­dent, Lit­tle­ton, MA)

Melissa Stewart
Melis­sa Stewart

For more infor­ma­tion, read the Plan­ning a Vis­it page, and then please con­tact Melis­sa.