

by Melis­sa Stewart

down­town book­works, 2013

ages 8–12

ISBN 978–1‑93570–390‑7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Fun and fact filled, Bird-acious takes an info-tain­ing look at our feath­ered friends, explor­ing a range of inter­est­ing bird species and their behav­iors. And that’s not all. The book comes pack­aged with a real owl pel­let that kids can dis­sect to get an up-close look at what birds eat and which body parts they can’t digest. Awesome!

Behind the Book

“When edi­tor Sarah Parvis offered me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to write a book that would be sold with a real owl pel­let and instruc­tions for dis­sect­ing it, I was 100 per­cent on board. After all, this is a book I would have loved as a child.

“I’ve writ­ten lots of books about birds, so it was a blast to revis­it my research and find the most fas­ci­nat­ing facts. I also gleaned recent mag­a­zine and sci­ence jour­nal arti­cles for fresh tid­bits that would tru­ly delight young readers.”


by Melis­sa Stewart

down­town book­works, 2013

ages 8–12

ISBN 978–1‑93570–390‑7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or