Deadliest Animals!

Deadliest Animals

by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2011

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–142630-757–7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Every­one knows that lions and tigers and bears are dead­ly, but this book also looks at some lit­tle-known trou­ble­mak­ers. For exam­ple, the golf ball-sized blue-ringed octo­pus con­tains enough ven­om to kill 26 peo­ple. And the Syd­ney fun­nel web spi­der is one of the most dan­ger­ous crea­tures on Earth. Kids will be fas­ci­nat­ed by the cast of crit­ters high­light­ed in this book. Sharks, snakes, jel­ly­fish, and more — these crea­tures are among the most threat­en­ing — and inter­est­ing — in the world!

Honors and Awards

  • Junior Library Guild selection


“After fin­ish­ing this book, read­ers will be spout­ing infor­ma­tion about the dan­gers of being kicked in the chest by a kan­ga­roo, out­run by a hip­po, and cor­nered by a black mam­ba snake. Vivid nature pho­tos show the dead­ly crea­tures in action. Sil­ly jokes (‘Q: What do whales like to eat with peanut but­ter? A: Jel­ly­fish’) and ‘Tox­ic Tid­bit’ side­bars main­tain read­ers’ atten­tion.” (The Horn Book Guide)

Behind the Book

“I hope kids have as much fun read­ing this book as I did writ­ing it. From the moment my edi­tor sug­gest­ed this title, I knew it would be a blast.

“I spent weeks read­ing about the usu­al sus­pects — sharks, snakes, croc­o­diles, but what real­ly caught my atten­tion were the lit­tle guys. Many small inver­te­brates make enough ven­om to real­ly pack a punch. From bees and box jel­lies to scor­pi­ons and stone­fish, bad things can come in small packages.

“What’s the dead­liest crea­ture of all? Well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out. I promise the answer will real­ly sur­prise you.”

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Deadliest Animals

by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2011

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–142630-757–7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or