Deadliest Predators

Deadly Predators

by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2013

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–1‑42631–347‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Come face to face with sharks, wolves, tigers, and many more preda­tors in this grip­ping new addi­tion to the Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Kids Read­er series. Amaz­ing ani­mal pho­tos will wow kids as they dis­cov­er how a wide vari­ety of preda­tors hunt and con­tribute to the food chain. Writ­ten in a clear, live­ly style, Dead­ly Preda­tors will help kids under­stand who rules in the wild!

Behind the Book

“Because my book Dead­liest Ani­mals is the Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Read­er series #1 best­seller in the e‑book for­mat, my edi­tor asked me to write this book. We hope it will appeal to the same group of curi­ous kids.

“I had a blast doing the research for this book, includ­ing a spir­it­ed debate with a sci­en­tist about the best def­i­n­i­tions for the words preda­tor, car­ni­vore, poi­son, and ven­om. Luck­i­ly, we both had the same goal in mind — cre­at­ing the best, most accu­rate book for young readers.”

Series at a Glance

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Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Reader

Deadly Predators

by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2013

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–1‑42631–347‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or