Do People Really Have Tiny Insects Living in Their Eyelashes?

and Other Questions about the Microscopic World

Do People Really Have Tiny Insects Living in Their Eyelashes?

by Melis­sa Stewart

Lern­er Pub­li­ca­tions, 2010

for grades 4–6

ISBN 978–0‑76134–916‑7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Peo­ple have tiny insects liv­ing in their eyelashes.

Mon­ey is cov­ered with germs.

Your mouth has more bac­te­ria than a dog’s mouth.

You’ve prob­a­bly heard these com­mon say­ings, but are they real­ly true? This book inves­ti­gates two dozen ques­tions about Earth’s itty-bit­ty crit­ters and explains why some are true and some are false.


Do Peo­ple Real­ly Have Tiny Insects Liv­ing in Their Eye­lash­es? and oth­er Ques­tions about the Micro­scop­ic World is by Melis­sa Stew­art and answers ques­tions regard­ing par­a­sites, mites, and bac­te­ria that have the chance to pos­si­bly make us sick (or at least real­ly itchy). [It is] filled with bright pho­tographs, lots of facts all over the pages, and a read­able, appeal­ing for­mat. … Facts and fact box­es galore! Even adults will learn quite a bit and it’s fun to find ques­tions that you’ve won­dered about your­self for so long! … a real­ly nice addi­tion to any library or for home­school­ing fam­i­lies.” (A Patch­work of Books)

Behind the Book

“When edi­tor Sara Hoff­man asked me if I’d like to write this book, I may have actu­al­ly screamed ‘Yes!’ into the phone. I knew the research would be a blast. Here, at last, I had an excuse to ask experts ques­tions I’d been won­der­ing about for years.

“Turns out, food real­ly does con­tain tiny insect body parts and bac­te­ria are to blame for body odor and bad breath. Your body con­tains more microbes than human cells, and the aver­age kitchen sponge is about 450 times more germy than a toi­let seat! Want to know more? Well, you’ll just have to read the book.”

Series at a Glance

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Do People Really Have Tiny Insects Living in Their Eyelashes?

by Melis­sa Stewart

Lern­er Pub­li­ca­tions, 2010

for grades 4–6

ISBN 978–0‑76134–916‑7

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or