How Animals Breathe

How Animals Breathe

by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 1 to 3

ISBN 978–1‑4007–3786‑4

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Sim­ple text and large, beau­ti­ful pho­tos com­pare the ways in which a vari­ety of ani­mals breathe. Learn how mam­mals, fish, insects, and oth­er crea­tures get the oxy­gen their bod­ies need.

Behind the Book

“When edi­tor Mar­i­lyn Salomon called to offer me this project, I ini­tial­ly said no. The dead­line was tight, and I had just fin­ished a huge project and want­ed to take a break. But Mar­i­lyn soon con­vinced me that the top­ic was so intrigu­ing that I couldn’t pass it up. So I delved into the research, learn­ing about the book lungs of spi­ders, the spir­a­cles of insects, the gills of fish and oth­er water crea­tures, and of course our lungs. I learned that some frogs take in up to half of their air through their skin and a few tur­tles can breathe through their butts! Aren’t ani­mals amazing!”

How Animals Breathe

by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 1 to 3

ISBN 978–1‑4007–3786‑4

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or