Inside Earthquakes

Inside Earthquakes

by Melis­sa Stewart

Ster­ling, 2011

for ages 9–12

ISBN 978–140275-877–5

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Sev­er­al mil­lion earth­quakes occur every year — but why and where do they hap­pen? Young read­ers will get the inside scoop in this excit­ing book. Stun­ning gate­folds and pho­tographs from on the ground and from satel­lites in space, as well as dra­mat­ic first-per­son accounts, cov­er­age of the recent Haiti dis­as­ter, and the lat­est sci­en­tif­ic infor­ma­tion, make Inside Earth­quakes a fas­ci­nat­ing, ripped-from-the-head­lines look at this nat­ur­al phenomenon.


“Clear prose and strik­ing visu­als com­bine to explain the nat­ur­al occur­rences and their effects. The books are cau­tion­ary with­out being hys­ter­i­cal, con­vey­ing imme­di­a­cy through a con­ver­sa­tion­al style and occa­sion­al per­son­al rec­ol­lec­tions. Fold­out pages (some hor­i­zon­tal, some ver­ti­cal) are used to excel­lent effect. Pho­tos, draw­ings, charts, and oth­er visu­als are well cho­sen and well doc­u­ment­ed.” (The Horn Book)

“From the eye-catch­ing jack­et pho­tos to the clear­ly writ­ten expla­na­tions of nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­na, vol­umes in the Inside series have much to offer. [Inside Earth­quakes] offers his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive … as well as bring­ing to life, through pho­tos and well-cho­sen quotes, the dra­mat­ic expe­ri­ences of first­hand observers. [It] looks at the geol­o­gy of the earth­’s shift­ing crust as well as the effects of quakes on peo­ple and cities, land­forms and coast­lines.” (Book­list)

Fea­tur­ing 10 fold­out pages and a trove of full-col­or pho­tographs and illus­tra­tions, these titles make study­ing sci­ence an engag­ing expe­ri­ence. Excel­lent writ­ing dis­cuss­es sci­ence basics, caus­es, his­to­ry, and tools used by sci­en­tists and researchers. Light­ning traces ancient beliefs, Ben­jamin Franklin’s kite, and mod­ern the­o­ries of what caus­es light­ning to form, kinds of light­ning, and how thun­der­heads build. The selec­tion of pho­tographs in reflects age-appro­pri­ate choic­es. Images of dam­aged build­ings, debris, and wreck­age cap­ture the destruc­tive pow­er of nature with­out show­ing peo­ple in dis­tress, injured, or oth­er casu­al­ties. Side­bars pro­vide per­ti­nent quick facts as “News­flash,” or per­son­al eye­wit­ness accounts under “I was there” or “We were there.” With fab­u­lous pho­tographs and illus­tra­tions along­side the wealth of fas­ci­nat­ing facts and infor­ma­tion, these books should be in high demand. (School Library Jour­nal)

Behind the Book

“I’ve writ­ten about earth­quakes before, but the sci­ence is chang­ing so fast that there were lots of new things to learn. I real­ly appre­ci­ate all the help sci­en­tists gave me in under­stand­ing the most up-to-date research. I also enjoyed inter­view­ing a vari­ety of peo­ple who had sur­vived earth­quakes for the I Was There fea­tures in the book. But my favorite part of the project was work­ing with my fab­u­lous edi­tor to cre­ate the dynam­ic hor­i­zon­tal gate­folds that tru­ly take you Inside Earth­quakes.”

Series at a Glance

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The Inside

Inside Earthquakes

by Melis­sa Stewart

Ster­ling, 2011

for ages 9–12

ISBN 978–140275-877–5

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or