Is the Bermuda Triangle Really a Dangerous Place?
and Other Questions about the Ocean

by Melissa Stewart
Lerner Publications, 2011
for grades 4–6
ISBN 978–076136-097–1
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The Bermuda Triangle is a dangerous place.
Swallowing ocean water can kill you.
Sharks can smell blood in the water from more than a mile way.
You’ve probably heard these common sayings, but are they really true? This book investigates two dozen questions about our planet’s oceans and explains why some are true and some are false.
Behind the Book
“This is the second book I’ve written for the Is that a Fact? Series, and I just love the fun tone and the Q & A format. I learned so many interesting things about the ocean while I was researching this book.
“I discovered that the world’s tallest ocean is in the middle of the ocean and that blue whales are the loudest animals on Earth. I also learned that the world’s oceans contain 20 million tons of gold and the oldest animals on Earth live in the deep blue sea. The ocean is so much more amazing than I ever realized!”

by Melissa Stewart
Lerner Publications, 2011
for grades 4–6
ISBN 978–076136-097–1
Purchase this book at your local independent bookseller or