Maggots, Grubs, and More

The Secret Lives of Young Insects

Maggots, Grubs, and More

by Melis­sa Stewart

Mill­brook, 2003

for Grades 3–6

ISBN 978–0‑7613–2658‑8

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It’s easy to pic­ture an adult bum­ble­bee or drag­on­fly, but do you know what these insects looked like while they were grow­ing up? Many young insects look com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent from the adults they will even­tu­al­ly become. Years ago, sci­en­tists didn’t even real­ize that most grubs would become bee­tles or that mag­gots would soon trans­form into adult flies. This book tells the amaz­ing sto­ries of their hid­den lives.

Honors and Awards

  • Nation­al Coun­cil for Social Studies/Children’s Book Coun­cil, Notable Social Stud­ies Trade Book for Young People


“The text is metic­u­lous in its descrip­tions of indi­vid­ual species’ life cycles; it describes where and when the insects lay their eggs; the aver­age time it takes them to hatch; the aver­age num­ber of molts, etc. Sharp col­or pho­tographs accom­pa­ny the text on every oth­er page. This lucid, well-orga­nized intro­duc­tion will serve as an excel­lent [addi­tion to any col­lec­tion].” (School Library Jour­nal)

“With nar­ra­tive inter­est that will appeal to mid­dle-grade read­ers … vivid close-up col­or pho­tos … The shape-shift­ing trans­for­ma­tions are cap­ti­vat­ing.” (The Horn Book Guide)

Behind the Book

“The idea for this book came from my nephew, who was fas­ci­nat­ed by insects. We would go to the library, check out piles of insect books, take them home, and read them togeth­er. One day, he asked if we could get a book about insects that were still grow­ing up — just like him. I couldn’t find any, so I called up my edi­tor and asked if she’d like me to write one. She thought it was a great idea, so I got to work on the book right away.”

Maggots, Grubs, and More

by Melis­sa Stewart

Mill­brook, 2003

for Grades 3–6

ISBN 978–0‑7613–2658‑8

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or