Meet the Mini-Mammals

A Night at the Natural History Museum

Meet the Mini-Mammals

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Lies

Beach Lane / Simon & Schus­ter, 2025

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–1‑66594–7‑169

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Big mam­mals like ele­phants, hip­pos, and giraffes get a lot of press, but what about the lit­tle crit­ters? From pint-sized fly­ing squir­rels to itty bit­ty mouse lemurs, learn all about the mini-est mam­mals from around the world, depict­ed at their real-life size. Delight­ful illus­tra­tions and live­ly text per­fect for read alouds com­bine in this adorable and infor­ma­tive pic­ture book from Sib­ert Hon­oree Melis­sa Stew­art and Calde­cott Hon­oree Bri­an Lies.

illustration copyright Brian Lies for Meet the Mini-Mammals
illus­tra­tion © Bri­an Lies for Meet the Mini-Mam­mals: A Night at the Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Muse­um, writ­ten by Melis­sa Stew­art, pub­lished by Beach Lane Books, 2025

Behind the Book

“In 2019, I was strug­gling to come up with a top­ic for a new book, so I asked my hus­band, Ger­ard, what he thought I should write about. He gave a one-word answer: “Munchkins!”

That made me laugh. Munchkins, or mini-munchkins, is a col­lec­tive name we use for our five nieces and nephews — Iris, Col­in, Emile, Claire, and Caroline.

In the past, I’ve writ­ten books inspired by all of them, so Gerard’s answer was just a joke. But it made me think. The world is full of ani­mals that are small and adorable, and kids would prob­a­bly like to know more about them.

Then I won­dered … how would I choose ani­mals to include? Since I’m a mam­mal (and so are my young read­ers), that seemed like the obvi­ous choice. I decid­ed to count­down twen­ty adorable mam­mals small­er than the width of my hand — 8.25 inch­es. Then I dug into the research.

The final book is a whole lot dif­fer­ent from my ini­tial vision, but it wouldn’t exist with­out that smart-alecky sug­ges­tion from my husband.”

Meet the Mini-Mammals

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Lies

Beach Lane / Simon & Schus­ter, 2025

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–1‑66594–7‑169

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

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