Nifty Noses Up Close

Nifty Noses Up Close

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2012

for ages 5 to 7

ISBN 978–0‑76603–892‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Did you know that an anteater can close its nos­trils so insects don’t crawl inside? Or that polar bears have the world’s best sense of smell? These are just two of the fas­ci­nat­ing facts includ­ed in Nifty Noses Up Close. Ear­ly ele­men­tary read­ers will be delight­ed by the vari­ety of ways the ani­mals around us use their noses to hunt, breathe, and stay safe. A fun guess­ing game at the end of the book intro­duces read­ers to the idea that some ani­mals use their noses in some unex­pect­ed ways.


Nifty Noses looks at the star-nosed mole, an anteater, a right whale, a polar bear, an African ele­phant, a coho salmon, and a leaf-nosed bat. Read­ers are also informed that humans’ noses help them to breathe in oxy­gen and smell cook­ies bak­ing or milk that has soured. These well-thought-out titles are suit­able for begin­ning read­ers look­ing for some fas­ci­nat­ing facts, and the excel­lent pho­tog­ra­phy will draw them into the books. There is also a guess­ing game at the back of each vol­ume. Sol­id addi­tions to most col­lec­tions.” (School Library Jour­nal)

Behind the Book

“This is a book I’ve been want­i­ng to write for years. As I did research for oth­er books about ani­mals, I was intrigued that a pro­boscis mon­key uses its nose to attract mates and that a star-nosed mole feels its under­ground sur­round­ings with wrig­gling ten­ta­cles on its nose. Nifty Noses Up Close final­ly gave me a chance to share all the fun nose facts I’ve been collecting.”

Series at a Glance

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Nifty Noses Up Close

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2012

for ages 5 to 7

ISBN 978–0‑76603–892‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or