Perfect Pairs

Using Fiction & Nonfiction Picture Books to Teach Life Science, Grades K‑2

Using Fiction & Nonfiction Picture Books

to Teach Life Science, Grades K‑2

Perfect Pairs for Grades K-2

by Melis­sa Stew­art
and Nan­cy Chesley

Rout­ledge, 2016

for Grades K to 2

ISBN 978–1‑57110–958‑3

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Each of the twen­ty-two lessons in Per­fect Pairs is built around a pair of award-win­ning trade pic­ture books. After extract­ing crit­i­cal con­tent from the books, stu­dents par­tic­i­pate in an inquiry-based inves­tiga­tive process to explore key life sci­ence concepts—from animal/environment inter­ac­tions to the role of struc­ture in plant and ani­mal sur­vival, from inher­i­tance of traits to vari­a­tion of species. Even if you are sci­ence shy, Per­fect Pairs will help you cre­ate a class­room that buzzes with curi­ous stu­dents eager to explore the nat­ur­al world.


“[S]top the press­es and reign in the hors­es because I have seen what may be the MOST use­ful and beau­ti­ful pro­fes­sion­al use title in all my live­long days. Behold Per­fect Pairs: Using Fic­tion & Non­fic­tion Pic­ture Books to Teach Life Sci­ence, K‑2by Melis­sa Stew­art and Nan­cy Ches­ley. How would one use such a tome? Well, say you have a teacher that needs to do a sci­ence unit of some sort.This book rec­om­mends some real­ly bril­liant non­fic­tion titles for kids (and some nonfiction/fiction pair­ings that are rather good in their own right) and then works them into Com­mon Core State Stan­dards les­son plans. There are sam­ple ques­tions and work­sheets and pret­ty much any­thing a K‑2 teacher would need. It is also love­ly on the old eye­balls and clear­ly well researched. I love it. You need it. No one has heard of it. Go get it.” (Bet­sy Bird, New York Pub­lic Library’s Youth Mate­ri­als Col­lec­tions Spe­cial­ist, on Fuse #8 Pro­duc­tions blog host­ed by School Library Jour­nal. Read the full review.)

“This is a won­der­ful resource for teach­ers and librar­i­ans who would like to pair fic­tion and non­fic­tion pic­ture books to teach life sci­ence. Each les­son in the book con­tains a “won­der state­ment,” a hands-on activ­i­ty, a read-aloud of the paired books from which stu­dents will take their inves­ti­ga­tion infor­ma­tion, and a con­clud­ing activ­i­ty where stu­dents ana­lyze and syn­the­size their infor­ma­tion. The lessons are engag­ing and address the expec­ta­tions of the Next Gen­er­a­tion Sci­ence Stan­dards and sup­port the goals of the Com­mon Core State Stan­dards for Eng­lish Lan­guage Arts. Appen­dix­es include repro­ducibles which are also avail­able on the publisher’s web­site. The book is well-orga­nized and easy to fol­low, even for those who do not teach sci­ence on a reg­u­lar basis. The book titles used in the lessons are inter­est­ing, well-researched, and age-appro­pri­ate. This book will be a valu­able addi­tion to the pro­fes­sion­al col­lec­tion. High­ly Rec­om­mend­ed.” (School Library Con­nec­tion)

Per­fect Pairs is divid­ed into teach­able lessons, packed with rec­om­mend­ed sci­ence-themed pic­ture books, and sup­ports the goals of the Com­mon Core State Stan­dards for Eng­lish Lan­guage Arts. A superb, user-friend­ly, les­son-plan­ning tool espe­cial­ly for pro­fes­sion­al edu­ca­tors (and chil­dren’s librar­i­ans con­tem­plat­ing which pic­ture books to add to their col­lec­tion! Per­fect Pairs is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed.” (Mid­west Book Review)

“These lessons are thought­ful and engag­ing. Encour­age your media cen­ter spe­cial­ist or prin­ci­pal to pur­chase this book.” (NC Teacher Stuff)

Per­fect Pairs pro­vides teach­ers with mean­ing­ful ways to use lit­er­a­ture and inquiry to engage stu­dents in life sci­ence con­cepts. This is a resource that pri­ma­ry teach­ers should have on their shelves. The “Bib­li­og­ra­phy of Pic­ture Books” locat­ed in the back of the book will be help­ful to librar­i­ans and teach­ers look­ing to beef up their sci­ence col­lec­tions. Librar­i­ans, order Per­fect Pairs for your library’s pro­fes­sion­al resource col­lec­tion. The teach­ers in your school or com­mu­ni­ty will thank you!” (Non­fic­tion Detec­tives, read the full review)

“… what I loved about this book is despite how com­pre­hen­sive it is there is an ease in which it is laid out and how it is struc­tured. Whether some­one is a new or an expe­ri­enced teacher, the ideas and sug­ges­tions are easy to fol­low and can be imple­ment­ed in the class­room. For teach­ers, who may be a bit ner­vous about teach­ing sci­ence or for those, who are feel­ing over­whelmed when they hear NGSS, Per­fect Pairs helps by mak­ing it all a lit­tle more understandable.

“Recent­ly, I took Per­fect Pairs into a meet­ing I was hav­ing with a school librar­i­an. She is one of the few librar­i­ans I know who also has an advanced degree in sci­ence. As she flipped through the book, her com­ment was “every K‑2 teacher needs a copy of this.” Yes, my sen­ti­ments exact­ly.” (Kid Lit Fren­zy, read the full review)

Behind the Book

“In 2006, I began to real­ize that some chil­dren con­nect more strong­ly with non­fic­tion books, while oth­ers pre­fer fic­tion. As a result, I start­ed pair­ing the books I wrote with fic­tion titles and devel­op­ing inno­v­a­tive activ­i­ties with the books as a centerpiece.

“When I met Nan­cy Ches­ley in 2008, she was con­cerned with the way she saw teach­ers try­ing to use books to teach sci­ence. She was intrigued with my ideas, and we began a series of con­ver­sa­tions about the most use­ful and prac­ti­cal way to com­bine the mag­ic of children’s books with the won­ders of the nat­ur­al world.

“With the pub­li­ca­tion of the Next Gen­er­a­tion Sci­ence Stan­dards (NGSS), we knew the time was right to cre­ate Per­fect Pairs. By bring­ing togeth­er Nancy’s tremen­dous expe­ri­ence as an edu­ca­tor and my knowl­edge of children’s books, we have cre­at­ed a resource that makes sci­ence easy to teach and fun to learn.”

Perfect Pairs for Grades K-2

by Melis­sa Stew­art
and Nan­cy Chesley

Rout­ledge, 2016

for Grades K to 2

ISBN 978–1‑57110–958‑3

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

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