Pinocchio Rex
and Other Tyrannosaurs

by Melissa Stewart
and Steve Brusatte
HarperCollins, 2017
for Ages 6–9
ISBN 978–0‑06249–093‑3 (HC)
ISBN 978–0‑06249–091‑9 (PB)
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Dinosaur hunters discovered the first T. rex in Montana more than a century ago. But in the last 15 years, scientists working all over the world have unearthed an amazing collection of its tyrannosaur relatives, including one with a long, pointy snout. Paleontologist Steve Brusatte, co-author of this book, helped identify the bones and gave the new dinosaur its nickname — Pinocchio rex!
Pinocchio Rex and Other Tyrannosaurs offers young readers an engaging overview of the tyrannosaur family and describes how its members changed over time — from the tiny Dilong to the enormous T. rex. The book also includes an infographic, activity, and glossary, as well as a timeline and “Dr. Steve Says” sidebars that give readers insight into what it’s like to dig up dinosaurs.
Honors and Awards
- Translated into Korean
“Tyrannosaurus rex may be the biggest, scariest (and probably the only) tyrannosaur you can name, but this book sets out to change that. After leading off with T. rex, it briefly introduces 10 more species of tyrannosaurs through realistic-looking digital illustrations, information on where and when their fossils were discovered, timelines for species, and phonetic spellings of their names … An appended hands-on activity challenges kids to compare relative tyrannosaur sizes through chalk drawings on a paved playground. A lively addition to the Let’s‑Read-and-Find-Out Science series.” (Booklist)
“… explains to young dinomanes how the titular tyranno (formally dubbed Qianzhousaurus, nicknamed for its long nose) was unearthed and reconstructed before going on to introduce nine other 21st-century discoveries. Each comes with a general description, a “fact file” of basic statistics, a collective timeline that neatly groups contemporaries, and a realistically posed and rendered individual portrait in a natural setting. Following a simple but effective activity involving chalk, a tape measure, and a very large expanse of concrete, an equally cogent infographic at the end illustrates size extremes in this prehistoric clan … A winning, and necessary, update.” (Kirkus Reviews)
Behind the Book
“This book never would have happened if my husband hadn’t urged me to read an article called “The Rise of the Tyrannosaurs” in the May 2015 issue of Scientific American.
“I had no idea that T. rex’s ancestors started out small or that so many different kinds of tyrannosaurs had roamed the earth. I knew kids would love this fascinating story, so I emailed my editor a proposal to see if she was interested.
“The answer came the next day. YES!
“Then I had another great idea. What if I asked the scientist who wrote the Scientific American article to work with me. After all, Steve Brusatte is one of the world’s leading experts on tyrannosaurs. My editor was on board, so I sent him an email.
“The answer came the next day. YES!
“Working with Steve has been a joy. He’s so knowledgeable and so enthusiastic. The book offers an upclose look at Pinocchio Rex, a fascinating newly-discovered dinosaur, and reveals the little known history and development of the entire tyrannosaur family. Kids are going to love it.”

by Melissa Stewart
and Steve Brusatte
HarperCollins, 2017
for Ages 6–9
ISBN 978–0‑06249–093‑3 (HC)
ISBN 978–0‑06249–091‑9 (PB)
Purchase this book at your local independent bookseller or