Rainbow of Animals

Rainbow of Animals

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2010

for Grades 1–3

ISBN 978–0‑76603–706‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

All six books in the pop­u­lar Rain­bow of Ani­mals series have been bound togeth­er and print­ed as a paper­back edi­tion that is avail­able through Scholas­tic Book Clubs. Now even more young read­ers can dis­cov­er how col­ors help ani­mals sur­vive in their habitats.

Honors and Awards

  • Cybils Award Nom­i­nee, Non­fic­tion Pic­ture Book
  • Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion Rec­om­mend­ed Title


“To teach adap­ta­tions, review col­ors, and fos­ter curios­i­ty, this book is ide­al. Each ani­mal is briefly described and pho­tographed in its habi­tat. The text is sim­ple yet con­veys a mul­ti­tude of infor­ma­tion. Some­times the col­or is the focus, and oth­er times the behav­ior of the ani­mal is the focus. After each col­or sec­tion, a key is pro­vid­ed to assist read­ers in find­ing the [geo­graph­ic range] of the fea­tured ani­mals. This book is sure to intrigue and fas­ci­nate young read­ers and one to which they will return after it is first shared. They will even learn why a brown-throat­ed sloth is found in the “green” ani­mals sec­tion!” (NSTA)

“In a well-thought-out for­mat, 56 dif­fer­ent ani­mals from around the globe are high­light­ed and grouped accord­ing to col­or. From mam­mals to sea crea­tures to insects, each one has its own spread, and brief but inter­est­ing fac­tu­al details about the color’s sig­nif­i­cance are pro­vid­ed. … The large font and vivid close-up pho­tographs make for an eye-catch­ing, attrac­tive selec­tion. Sim­ple, effec­tive sen­tences give just enough infor­ma­tion to inspire fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion. … a col­or­ful and intrigu­ing intro­duc­tion to some exot­ic wildlife.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“A Rain­bow of Ani­mals is a com­pos­ite book of six pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished books of six col­ors (red, orange, yel­low, pur­ple, blue and green) of ani­mals, vibrant­ly pho­tographed and care­ful­ly described. The var­i­ous ways and rea­sons each ani­mal uses col­or to sur­vive are suc­cinct­ly enu­mer­at­ed, and there are maps for each ani­mal to show where its native habi­tat is. Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about the influ­ence of diet on col­or and oth­er col­or relat­ed data about the ani­mals is pre­sent­ed. A Rain­bow of Ani­mals is pre­sent­ed as appeal­ing to chil­dren of read­ing lev­els K‑3, inter­est lev­els K‑5. The bril­liant pho­tog­ra­phy will attract lin­ger­ing inter­est and close exam­i­na­tion of each mirac­u­lous crea­ture.” (Chil­dren’s Book­watch)

Series at a Glance

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A Rain­bow of Animals

Rainbow of Animals

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2010

for Grades 1–3

ISBN 978–0‑76603–706‑9

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Book Extensions