Science in Ancient India

Science in Ancient India

by Melis­sa Stewart

Franklin Watts / Groli­er, 1999

for ages 4–6

ISBN 978–0‑531–11626‑5

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

This book out­lines and describes the sci­en­tif­ic con­tri­bu­tions of ancient India, includ­ing Ara­bic numer­als, ayurve­da, basic chem­istry and physics, and celes­tial observations.


“This attrac­tive title begins with a brief overview of Indi­an his­to­ry. A time­line places the var­i­ous empires and cul­tures in con­text. Suc­ceed­ing chap­ters look at med­i­cine, math­e­mat­ics, astron­o­my, and physics, with an empha­sis on [what] Indi­an sci­en­tists and philoso­phers under­stood cen­turies before their coun­ter­parts in West­ern Europe. Indi­an sci­en­tists and math­e­mati­cians are named and quot­ed when­ev­er pos­si­ble. Over­all, a use­ful and unique resource.” (School Library Jour­nal)

Behind the Book

“This book required a lot of research because it cov­ers many dif­fer­ent top­ics and because most gen­er­al ref­er­ence books about ancient India focus on pol­i­tics, cus­toms, and reli­gion — not sci­ence, med­i­cine, and math. I spoke with and exchanged email with sev­er­al Indi­an schol­ars. They were able to give me some infor­ma­tion direct­ly and also rec­om­mend­ed ref­er­ences that I could acquire through inter­li­brary loan. When I first start­ed work­ing on this book, I had no idea what the ancient Indi­ans had con­tributed to the world and was impressed with their knowl­edge and accomplishments.”

Science in Ancient India

by Melis­sa Stewart

Franklin Watts / Groli­er, 1999

for ages 4–6

ISBN 978–0‑531–11626‑5

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or