Shape Search

Shape Search

by Melis­sa Stewart

Rey­craft Books, 2024

for ages 5 to 9

ISBN 978–1‑47888–775‑1

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Nature is full of shapes. You can spot a cir­cle in a rain­drop, a tri­an­gle in a moun­tain­top, and a star in a bloom­ing flower. Look around. What oth­er shapes can you find?


“Kids will be mes­mer­ized as they pore over the daz­zling­ly col­or­ful, del­i­cate, and intri­cate pat­terns that shapes pro­duce in nature, seen here from a bevy of per­spec­tives … Sim­ple, gen­tle rhyming text enhances the con­cept, adds to the book’s allure, and invites kids to look close­ly at the shapes pre­sent­ed here.

“A col­or­ful, excit­ing way to open young chil­dren’s eyes and minds to the shapes all around them.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Behind the Book

“This book was inspired by a Feb­ru­ary 2021 Twit­ter con­ver­sa­tion with authors Lin­da Sue Park and the late April Pul­ley Sayre. As is true for most book ideas, the con­cept mor­phed and evolved over time as it under­went count­less revi­sions. I hope this lyri­cal invi­ta­tion to notice and hunt for shapes in nature will pique the curios­i­ty of young read­ers and encour­age them to see the world in a whole new way.”

Shape Search

by Melis­sa Stewart

Rey­craft Books, 2024

for ages 5 to 9

ISBN 978–1‑47888–775‑1

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Book Extensions