Use Your Senses

by Melissa Stewart
Compass Point Books, 2004
for Grades 1–3
ISBN 978–0‑75650–636‑0 (HC)
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What’s the best way to learn about the five senses? By doing the independent activities presented in this book. The text’s open-ended questions and clear, age-appropriate explanations help students discover the science all around them.
Scholastic Book Clubs now offers this book in a smaller format that’s perfect for outdoor explorations.
Honors and Awards
- National Science Teachers Association Recommended Titles
- Science Books & Films Best Books for Children
“Throughout these informative titles, the author poses questions, asks students to make predictions, and suggests simple experiments and observations that will enhance their understanding of basic science concepts. Emphasis is placed on looking, but not disturbing one’s natural surroundings. Experiments are clearly marked with icons for reading directions carefully, seeking adult help, and turning to the Doing More section at the end of each book. Captions reinforce the scientific method. Stewart’s books will be especially welcome in school libraries where the demand is high.” (School Library Journal)
“Few books that I’ve seen so clearly emphasize the process of doing science: observing, collecting, recording, and experimenting with natural specimens, along with thinking about them.” (Science Books & Film)
“I recommend the Investigate Science series because of the author’s constructivist approach. The books set the stage for beginning readers to actively use inquiry skills within their science content. Author Melissa Stewart places a premium on blending reading and science inquiry skills. The kid-friendly text invites the reader to observe using all five senses, gather data, organize data, and make charts and drawings to describe what they observed. Based on the observations and data, the reader predicts outcomes to the Doing More activities within the book. The science content is accurate and age appropriate … This is what learning and teaching elementary science should be!” (NSTA)
Behind the Book
“When my editor asked me to create a series of hands-on, inquiry-based science books for early elementary students, he left all the details of format, design, and presentation up to me. My first task was to determine which topics would be best for this level. One of the subjects I chose was air. Next, I thought about the most engaging way to reach my readers. The result is a novel approach that uses questions to get kids directly involved in the science.”

by Melissa Stewart
Compass Point Books, 2004
for Grades 1–3
ISBN 978–0‑75650–636‑0 (HC)
Purchase this book at your local independent bookseller or