Zoom in on Bees

What’s the best way to learn about water? By doing the independent activities presented in this book. The text’s open-ended questions and clear, age-appropriate explanations help students discover the science all around them.

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2014

for ages 5–7; Lex­ile 480

ISBN 978–0‑7660–4210‑0 (HC)

ISBN 978–1‑4644–0363‑7 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Have you ever seen a bee up close? What does it look like? How does it eat? What is its life cycle? This book answers all these ques­tions and more. Take an up close peek at a bee’s body fea­tures and dis­cov­er how it goes about its business.

Honors and Awards

  • Junior Library Guild selection


“Enslow con­tin­ues to “Zoom in,” this time focus­ing on insects. Stew­art breaks down these bugs part by part, pro­vid­ing basic infor­ma­tion on anten­nae, legs, wings, eyes, as well as on their life cycles and habi­tats, rely­ing upon sparse text ide­al for young read­ers and a col­or­ful, eye-catch­ing lay­out. [C]lose-up images will engage chil­dren. Fur­ther read­ing, index, web­sites.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“The Zoom in on Insects! series does just what good sci­ence books for a young age group should: offer facts in short but eas­i­ly under­stand­able texts. Clear and engag­ing pho­tos help whet read­ers’ appetites to learn more. The titles fol­low a pat­tern, intro­duc­ing habi­tats, body parts, and how the tit­u­lar sub­ject evolves. Bees is a fine intro­duc­tion to the insect and offers a cool close-up of a stinger. Each book ends with an illus­tra­tion of the insec­t’s life cycle and a page direct­ing chil­dren toward help­ful web­sites. The best part of the series is the won­der­ful­ly crisp pho­tos, with cer­tain images—an insec­t’s eye, for example—lifted from the larg­er pic­ture and put into a ‘zoom bub­ble,’ where kids can real­ly see what’s going on. Pri­ma­ry-grade stu­dents and their teach­ers will cer­tain­ly appre­ci­ate this.” (Book­list)

Behind the Book

“Bees are fas­ci­nat­ing insects, so when my edi­tor asked if I’d like to write a book about them for ear­ly read­ers, I said “yes” imme­di­ate­ly. Doing research for this book was easy, but I strug­gled as I decid­ed what to leave out. There was so much great information!

“Talk­ing with a friend who is an ento­mol­o­gist helped me fig­ure out what I should focus on. She helped me iden­ti­fy the body fea­tures and dai­ly activ­i­ties that could be shown best in the Zoom Bub­bles char­ac­ter­is­tic of the series.”

Series at a Glance

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Zoom in on Insects

What’s the best way to learn about water? By doing the independent activities presented in this book. The text’s open-ended questions and clear, age-appropriate explanations help students discover the science all around them.

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2014

for ages 5–7; Lex­ile 480

ISBN 978–0‑7660–4210‑0 (HC)

ISBN 978–1‑4644–0363‑7 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.