Hurricane Watch

Hurricane Watch

by Melis­sa Stewart

Harper­Collins, 2015

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–0‑06232–776‑5 (HC)

ISBN 978–0‑06232–775‑8 (PB)

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Per­fect for bud­ding mete­o­rol­o­gists, Hur­ri­cane Watch is burst­ing with fas­ci­nat­ing facts paired with engag­ing visu­als and dia­grams. Read and find out how hur­ri­canes form, how sci­en­tists track the storms, and what you can do to keep your­self safe if one strikes. Hur­ri­cane Watch offers a close-up look at a pow­er­ful nat­ur­al disaster.

Honors and Awards

  • Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion Out­stand­ing Sci­ence Trade Book


“This infor­ma­tion­al pic­ture book offers a col­or­ful­ly illus­trat­ed intro­duc­tion to hur­ri­canes. The lucid text explains the nature of these storms as well as when, where, and how they form. The expres­sive illustrations—watercolors with dig­i­tal­ly added elements—offer views of hur­ri­canes, sci­en­tists study­ing them, broad­cast­ers explain­ing them, and peo­ple prepar­ing for the high winds and heavy rains they bring. The pic­tures some­times incor­po­rate arrows, labels, and dia­grams to clar­i­fy con­cepts such as cloud for­ma­tion, the earth’s rota­tion, the Saf­fir-Simp­son scale of hur­ri­cane wind-speed cat­e­gories, and the pro­gres­sive weak­en­ing of a storm over land. Offer­ing plen­ty of facts for kids intrigued by extreme weath­er as well as some prac­ti­cal advice and a cou­ple of hands-on activ­i­ties to try, this attrac­tive book is the lat­est addi­tion to the respect­ed Let’s‑Read-and-Find-Out series.” (Book­list)

Behind the Book

“I’ve been a big fan of HarperCollins’s Let’s‑Read-and-Find-Out books for years, so I’m delight­ed to become an author for the ven­er­a­ble series.

“From the moment I received the assign­ment for this book, I knew I want­ed to take read­ers on a jour­ney through the stages of hur­ri­cane for­ma­tion and give them a front row seat to what hap­pens when the super storm hits land. Because I’ve nev­er expe­ri­enced a hur­ri­cane, I knew I’d need to inter­view peo­ple who had.

“How did I find those peo­ple? Twitter.

“With­in min­utes of post­ing a tweet, I had a half dozen respons­es from peo­ple who’d lived through hur­ri­canes in Flori­da, Texas, and Hawaii. We exchanged email address­es and over the next week, I col­lect­ed their sto­ries, look­ing for sen­so­ry details and oth­er tid­bits that could help me bring these pow­er­ful storms to life for young readers.

“Ulti­mate­ly, I didn’t have room for all the great details I col­lect­ed, but the real-life dra­ma still seems pal­pa­ble to me in the final book.”

Series at a Glance

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Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Sci­ence

Hurricane Watch

by Melis­sa Stewart

Harper­Collins, 2015

for ages 6–9

ISBN 978–0‑06232–776‑5 (HC)

ISBN 978–0‑06232–775‑8 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or