Meet the Beetles

Meet the Beetles

by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 6–8

ISBN 978–1‑4007–4570‑8

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

This book explores the won­ders of Earth’s most numer­ous and var­ied insects, and how their body struc­tures and behav­ior are con­tribut­ing to sci­ence and technology.

Behind the Book

“I’ve writ­ten many books about insects, but this is one of my favorites. The sci­en­tists I inter­viewed were so enthu­si­as­tic about their work and its poten­tial appli­ca­tions that it was easy to make the text live­ly and pack in tons of fas­ci­nat­ing details.”


“This is exact­ly the kind of book I need in my class­room. It bridges an impor­tant gap by includ­ing inter­est­ing, cut­ting-edge sci­ence in a book that can real­ly help my stu­dents devel­op their read­ing skills.” (Sixth grade teacher, Hud­son, MA)

Series at a Glance

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Meet the Beetles

by Melis­sa Stewart

New­bridge Pub­lish­ing, 2003

for Grades 6–8

ISBN 978–1‑4007–4570‑8

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or