Thank You, Moon

Celebrating Nature’s Nighlight

Thank You Moon

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus by Jes­si­ca Lanan

Knopf, 2023

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–0‑593–43507‑6

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Under the glow of the shim­mer­ing Moon, crea­tures great and small are wide awake hunt­ing, explor­ing, fend­ing off preda­tors, and build­ing fam­i­lies. As the Moon changes phas­es, these ani­mals alter their behav­ior to match its wax­ing and waning—while we look on in won­der. With lumi­nous illus­tra­tions and lyri­cal text that’s part lul­la­by, part sci­en­tif­ic resource, Thank You, Moon is a trea­sure for all ages to enjoy.

Honors and Awards

  • Col­by Sharp’s Favorite Books of 2023
  • Cybil Awards Nominee
  • Fuse #8 Pro­duc­tions Best Sci­ence & Nature Books
  • Mr. Schu’s Favorite Books of 2023
  • Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Rec­om­mend­ed Gifts for Bud­ding Scientists


“A trib­ute to our only nat­ur­al satel­lite, with atmos­pher­ic moon­lit illus­tra­tions of noc­tur­nal crea­tures … Lyri­cal and infor­ma­tive.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“An emo­tive main text is accom­pa­nied by a sec­ondary text where sci­en­tif­ic expla­na­tions are detailed. The illus­tra­tions of moon­lit land and seascapes are per­fect­ly matched to both texts, includ­ing sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly accu­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tions of light inter­act­ing with the envi­ron­ment and changes in the moon across dif­fer­ent lunar phas­es.” (The Horn Book)

Behind the Book

“In Feb­ru­ary 2020, Knopf edi­tor Kather­ine Har­ri­son tagged me on Twit­ter, alert­ing me to a con­ver­sa­tion about how ani­mals respond to the Moon’s cycle, and asked “Is this some­thing you’d poten­tial­ly be inter­est­ed in writ­ing? I just can’t get enough of the moon these days, and I feel like you could bring some­thing spe­cial to it.” She also includ­ed a beau­ti­ful, eerie, mys­te­ri­ous image of the Moon par­tial­ly obscured by clouds. It was an irre­sistible invitation.

“A few days lat­er, I began doing some basic research to see how much infor­ma­tion I could find. After a cou­ple of weeks of dig­ging, I was con­fi­dent that there were enough sol­id exam­ples to fill a book. Now I need­ed a strong hook—a unique lens that sparks the reader’s curios­i­ty and encour­ages them to think about a famil­iar top­ic in a new way.

“Often, a book’s hook is obvi­ous from the title. Exam­ples include:

  • Feath­ers: Not Just for Flying
  • An Egg Is Quiet
  • If Sharks Disappeared
  • Pink Is for Blobfish
  • Weeds Find a Way

So on Sat­ur­day, I told my hus­band we were going to brain­storm titles while we cleaned the house. The ideas could be good or bad, sil­ly or seri­ous, any­thing at all. Any unique way of think­ing about “our clos­est com­pan­ion in space.” I liked the sound of that phrase, so I wrote it down to get us started.

“Three hours lat­er, the dust bun­nies were gone, the bath­room sparkled, and we had a list of about twen­ty phras­es. The next day, I typed them all into a com­put­er file along with all the adjec­tives I could think of to describe the Moon image Kather­ine had sent me. My goal was to cre­ate a man­u­script that evoked that image.

“It didn’t take long for the title Thank You, Moon and the feel­ing of grat­i­tude to rise to the top. After all, life on Earth—including us—couldn’t exist with­out the Moon to reg­u­late Earth’s seasons.

“Con­fi­dent that I’d come up with just the right angle for approach­ing the book, I dug into the research and began think­ing about the struc­ture. I decid­ed to arrange exam­ples in pairs, focus­ing on what ani­mals need to do to survive—find food, avoid preda­tors, and raise a fam­i­ly. Once I had that plan in place, I began to write.”

Thank You Moon

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus by Jes­si­ca Lanan

Knopf, 2023

for ages 5–9

ISBN 978–0‑593–43507‑6

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or

Book Extensions