

by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2012

for ages 6–9

HC ISBN 978–1‑42631–060‑7

PB ISBN 978–1‑42631–059‑1

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Just in time for the 100th anniver­sary of the Olympic-class pas­sen­ger lin­er’s ill-fat­ed jour­ney, this title is replete with bril­liant pho­tographs and exclu­sive in-depth cov­er­age includ­ing Bob Bal­lard’s 1985 dis­cov­ery. Delve in to learn more about the pas­sen­gers on board and how this ter­ri­ble dis­as­ter could have been prevented.


“Smart for­mat­ting makes this book par­tic­u­lar­ly acces­si­ble to begin­ning read­ers. Clear pho­tographs with infor­ma­tive, boxed cap­tions; sev­er­al num­bered lists, such as “10 Cool Things About Titan­ic”; a time­line; and side­bars defin­ing unfa­mil­iar terms are nice­ly inte­grat­ed with expos­i­to­ry prose that describes the ship, briefly cov­ers the voy­age and dis­as­ter; res­cue; and thoughts about how the dis­as­ter could have been avert­ed.” (The Horn Book)

“Ever won­der how much it would cost today to book pas­sage if the Titan­ic still sailed? What about want­i­ng to know who first spot­ted the wreck­age under­wa­ter? Or who the youngest sur­vivor of the ship­wreck was? Or even what the news­pa­per head­lines said about the tragedy just after it hap­pened? In her new book, Titan­ic, Melis­sa Stew­art offers read­ers the answers to this diverse set of ques­tions and more. As part of the pop­u­lar Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Kids series, Titan­ic is brim­ming with stun­ning pho­tographs, detailed dia­grams and illus­tra­tions, and pri­ma­ry source mate­r­i­al. Every­thing in the book, from the fas­ci­nat­ing ‘Weird but True’ fac­toids scat­tered through­out the pages to the dou­ble-page spread dis­cussing “10 Real Rea­sons Why the Titan­ic sank”, whets read­ers’ curios­i­ty. Fur­ther­more, Stewart’s lucid prose and focused details help young read­ers apply their devel­op­ing read­ing skills to pur­sue authen­tic inquiries. In all, this ear­ly read­er book tai­lors an impres­sive array of infor­ma­tion for stu­dents across the grades and read­ing lev­els to par­take in deep­er explo­rations and share in com­mem­o­ra­tive class­room activ­i­ties about the famous ship.” (The Class­room Book­shelf)

Behind the Book

“Sure, the R.M.S. Titan­ic sank a cen­tu­ry ago, but sci­en­tists are learn­ing more about the ship and the real rea­sons it sank every day. That’s what made me want to write this book.

“Thanks to tech­no­log­i­cal advances that made it pos­si­ble to locate and search the ship and study the trail of arti­facts scat­tered across the ocean floor, researchers con­tin­ue to piece togeth­er new bits of the sto­ry that has cap­ti­vat­ed us for 100 years.”

Series at a Glance

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Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Reader


by Melis­sa Stewart

Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Chil­dren’s Books, 2012

for ages 6–9

HC ISBN 978–1‑42631–060‑7

PB ISBN 978–1‑42631–059‑1

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Click on the image above to watch a video of author Melis­sa Stew­art dis­cussing the book.