Zoom in on Dragonflies

Zoom in on Dragonflies

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2014

for ages 5–7; Lex­ile 480

ISBN 978–0‑7660–4212‑4 (HC)

ISBN 978–1‑4644–0367‑5 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Ever won­dered what a drag­on­fly looks like up close? The Zoom Bub­bles on every spread of this book pro­vide a sneak peek at this insec­t’s eyes, anten­nae, wings, and more! Clear, sim­ple text explains how a drag­on­fly depends on its unique body fea­tures to sur­vive and thrive.

Honors and Awards

  • Junior Library Guild selection


“Enslow con­tin­ues to “Zoom in,” this time focus­ing on insects. Stew­art breaks down these bugs part by part, pro­vid­ing basic infor­ma­tion on anten­nae, legs, wings, eyes, as well as on their life cycles and habi­tats, rely­ing upon sparse text ide­al for young read­ers and a col­or­ful, eye-catch­ing lay­out. [C]lose-up images will engage chil­dren. Fur­ther read­ing, index, web­sites.” (School Library Jour­nal)

Behind the Book

“I’ve been want­i­ng to learn more about drag­on­flies for a long time, so I was delight­ed when my edi­tor asked if I’d like to write a book about them for ear­ly read­ers. I knew it would be a per­fect excuse to plunge into the research.

“Writ­ing for this age group is chal­leng­ing because it’s impor­tant to include fas­ci­nat­ing tid­bits, but the pre­sen­ta­tion has to be clear and sim­ple. I had to avoid shar­ing too much by cre­at­ing a snap­shot that pro­vides an inter­est­ing and accu­rate overview.

“How did I decide what infor­ma­tion had to go in and what to leave out? By talk­ing it over with a friend who is an ento­mol­o­gist. She helped me come up with a plan of attack.”

Series at a Glance

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Zoom in on Insects

Zoom in on Dragonflies

by Melis­sa Stewart

Enslow, 2014

for ages 5–7; Lex­ile 480

ISBN 978–0‑7660–4212‑4 (HC)

ISBN 978–1‑4644–0367‑5 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.