Articles for Educators

“Two Kinds of Read­ers, Two Kinds of Non­fic­tion.” School Library Jour­nal. Jan­u­ary 23, 2025. (Click to retrieve.)

“Tips and Tools for Non­fic­tion Book Talks.” Read­ing Rock­ets. Novem­ber 2024. (Click to retrieve.)

“Are Your Stu­dents Read­ing Enough Non­fic­tion?” NEA Today, August 2024. (Click to retrieve.)

“What Do Stu­dents Want to Read? It Might Not Be What You Think,” NEA Today, April 3, 2024. (Click to retrieve.)

“Ele­vat­ing  Non­fic­tion in the ELA Class­room and Beyond,” NCTE Coun­cil Chron­i­cle, Decem­ber 2023. (Click to retrieve.)

“Kids Love Non­fic­tion! Break­ing Down the Bar­ri­er Between Bud­ding Sci­en­tists and the Books They Crave,” Sci­ence and Chil­dren, Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, Sep­tem­ber 2023 (Click to retrieve.)

“10 Ways to Nur­ture and Nour­ish Non­fic­tion Read­ers.” School Library Jour­nal. July 26, 2023. (Click to retrieve.)

“Posi­tion State­ment on the Role of Non­fic­tion Lit­er­a­ture, K‑12.” Nation­al Coun­cil of Teach­ers of Eng­lish, Jan­u­ary 19, 2023. (Click to retrieve.)

“Under­stand­ing Text Struc­tures in Non­fic­tion.” School Library Jour­nal. Decem­ber 22, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“Tips for Teach­ing Text Struc­tures with Expos­i­to­ry Lit­er­a­ture.” School Library Jour­nal. Decem­ber 22, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“Decon­struct­ing Kids’ Non­fic­tion: List Text Struc­ture and the Five-Para­graph Essay.” School Library Jour­nal. Decem­ber 22, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“It’s Time for the Sib­ert Smack­down.” School Library Con­nec­tion, November/December 2022.

“Children’s Non­fic­tion Has an Image Prob­lem: What are the impli­ca­tions for STEM and is there a solu­tion?” Publisher’s Week­ly. July 14, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“Explor­ing a Quandry: Kids Love Non­fic­tion, But Adults Assume They Don’t,” PLOS Sci­Comm. April 27, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“Rein­vig­o­rat­ing Library Col­lec­tions with Active Non­fic­tion,” School Library Jour­nal. Feb­ru­ary 16, 2022. (Click to retrieve.)

“Non­fic­tion Books for Kids Can be a Good Hol­i­day Gift—If Done Right.” The Wash­ing­ton Post, Decem­ber 12, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Non­fic­tion Is Cool, and Our Kids Know It.” Sci­en­tif­ic Amer­i­can, Decem­ber 3, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“5 Kinds of Non­fic­tion: A New Way of Think­ing,” Mid­dleWeb. Octo­ber 14, 2021. (Click to retrieve .)

“Long on Kid Appeal, Brows­able Non­fic­tion Con­tin­ues to Trend,” School Library Jour­nal. Octo­ber 12, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“5 Kinds of Non­fic­tion,” Mackin Com­mu­ni­ty Blog. Sep­tem­ber 20, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Non­fic­tion for the Win: Choos­ing Books Kids Will Love,” Fuse #8 Pro­duc­tion/School Library Jour­nal. Sep­tem­ber 15, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Non­fic­tion on Dis­play,” Fuse #8 Pro­duc­tion/School Library Jour­nal. Sep­tem­ber 7, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Explor­ing Rain For­est and Nat­ur­al Areas in your Com­mu­ni­ty,” Read­ing Rock­ets. July 9, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“5 Tips for Start­ing a Non­fic­tion Book Club for Kids,” School Library Jour­nal, May 4, 2021.(Click to retrieve.)

“A Look at Sum­mer­time Sleep­ers.” First Draft to Final Book Blog. March 24, 2021, (Click to retrieve.)

“Human­iz­ing Non­fic­tion Writ­ers,” Fuse #8 Pro­duc­tion/School Library Jour­nal. Feb­ru­ary 2, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Writ­ing Real Books for Fact-lov­ing Kids,” Mackin Com­mu­ni­ty Blog. Feb­ru­ary 23, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Fic­tion or Non­fic­tion: What Kids Real­ly Like to Read,” Wash­ing­ton Post. Jan­u­ary 26,2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Hey, Grownups! Kids Real­ly Do Like Non­fic­tion,” Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, Jan­u­ary 7, 2021. (Click to retrieve.)

“Inter­view with Author, Blog­ger, and Teacher Edu­ca­tor Melis­sa Stew­art,” Chalk & Ink pod­cast, Novem­ber 20, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“How Non­fic­tion Writ­ers Dig Deep,” Cyn­sa­tions, Novem­ber 17, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“How a Mak­er­space Project Inspired a Book,” Nerdy Book Club blog, Novem­ber 16, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“Rethink­ing your Book Col­lec­tion: A Q&A with Melis­sa Stew­art,” The Lern­er Blog. Octo­ber 26, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“Voice in Non­fic­tion Writ­ing,” SCBWI Bul­letin, Fall 2020, p. 19–21.

“Expos­i­to­ry vs. Nar­ra­tive Non­fic­tion,” SLJ. July 10, 2020. p. 16.

“Teach­ing Non­fic­tion? What You Need to Know about the Dif­fer­ences Between Expos­i­to­ry and Nar­ra­tive Styles.” SLJ. July 10, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“Ick!: Delight­ful­ly Dis­gust­ing Ani­mal Din­ners, Dwellings and Defens­es,” Teach­ers, Books, Read­ers. May 16, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“If There’s No Hook, There’s No Book,” Non­fic­tion Fest. Feb­ru­ary 4, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“Delight­ful­ly Dis­gust­ing Research,” Nat­u­ral­ly Speak­ing. Jan­u­ary 15, 2020. (Click to retrieve.)

“How Young Non­fic­tion Writ­ers Can Dig Deep,” Nerdy Book Club. Octo­ber 26, 2019. (Click to retrieve.)

“What is Research, Real­ly?” Bookol­o­gy, May 28, 2019. (Click to retrieve.)

“Using Pip­squeaks, Slow­pokes, and Stinkers in the Class­room,” The World of Peachtree, Jan­u­ary 16, 2019. (Click to retrieve.)

“Ele­ments of a Non­fic­tion Book­talk.” Bookol­o­gy. Novem­ber 1, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Defin­ing and Describ­ing Expos­i­to­ry Lit­er­a­ture.” In V. Yeni­ka-Agbaw, R.M. Low­ery, & L.A. Hudock (Eds.), Does Non­fic­tion Equate Truth? Rethink­ing Dis­ci­pli­nary Bound­aries through Crit­i­cal Lit­era­cies.Lan­ham, MD: Row­man & Lit­tle­field, 2018, pp. 11–24.

“Teach­ing the Key Traits of Expos­i­to­ry Non­fic­tion with Chil­dren’s Books,” The Read­ing Teacher. Octo­ber 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Sur­vivors: Melis­sa Stew­art on Thriv­ing as a Long-Time Active­ly Pub­lish­ing Chil­dren’s Author,” Cyn­Sa­tions. Sep­tem­ber 8, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Author Inter­view: Melis­sa Stew­art on Pip­squeaks, Slow­pokes, and Stinkers.” The World of Peachtree Pub­lish­ers. August 24, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Curi­ouser and Curi­ouser with Melis­sa Stew­art,” Bookol­o­gy, August 22, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“New Resources for Teach­ing Non­fic­tion,” Nerdy Book Club. August 3, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Q & A with award-win­ning non­fic­tion children’s author Melis­sa Stew­art.” For the Love of Kidlit. June 28, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Meet Guest Author Melis­sa Stew­art,” Nation­al Pic­ture Book Writ­ing Week. May 6, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Five Kinds of Non­fic­tion,” School Library Jour­nal. May 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Five Kinds of STEM-themed Non­fic­tion,” PLOS Sci­Comm. April 10, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Keep­ing Curi­ous Kids Engaged in STEM,” PLOS Sci­Comm. March 27, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Under­stand­ing Cat­e­gories of Non­fic­tion for Young Peo­ple.” School Library Con­nec­tion, March 2018.

“How Info­graph­ics Can Help Stu­dents Avoid Pla­gia­rism,” Bookol­o­gy. March 14, 2018. (Click to retrieve.)

“Thoughts from an Infor­ma­tion­al Text Author,” In Elaine M. Bukowiec­ki and Mar­lene P. Cor­reia (Eds.). Infor­ma­tion­al Texts in Pre-Kinder­garten through Grade Three Class­rooms. New York: Row­man & Lit­tle­field, 2017, pp. 203–208.

“Talk­ing with Melis­sa Stew­art,” Book­list, Novem­ber 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Why Young Writ­ers Need an Authen­tic Audi­ence,” Bookol­o­gy. Octo­ber 18, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“A Look at Expos­i­to­ry Lit­er­a­ture,” A Fuse #8 Production/ School Library Jour­nal, Sep­tem­ber 21, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Three Tips for Writ­ing Teach­ers,” Bookol­o­gy. August 22, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“What the Heck is Cre­ative Non­fic­tion?” Bookol­o­gy. July 26, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Non­fic­tion for Chil­dren: Grow­ing and Chang­ing.” SCBWI Bul­letin. Sum­mer 2017, p. 14–16.

“Why Stu­dents Copy their Research Sources, and How to Break the Habit” Bookol­o­gy. June 20, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Friend Fri­day,” Kir­by Larson’s Blog, June 2, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Pas­sion­ate Non­fic­tion Starts with a Ques­tion,” Two Writ­ing Teach­ers. May 26, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Con­cept Pic­ture Books,” Cyn­sa­tions. May 22, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“A Look at Expos­i­to­ry Lit­er­a­ture,” Nerdy Book Club. March 7, 2017. (Click to retrieve.)

“Min­ing for Heart: Con­cept and Con­nec­tion,” Beth Anderson’s Blog, Jan­u­ary 6, 2017 (Click to retrieve.)

School Library Journal
Publishers Weekly
Parent & Child