Planning a Visit

Visiting schools

Melis­sa will offer as many pro­grams as you can fit into your school day, but she under­stands that sched­ul­ing con­straints some­times lim­it the num­ber of pro­grams possible.

Melis­sa requests 5–10 min­utes between pro­grams and at least 30 min­utes for lunch. A few pro­grams require some extra set-up time.

Virtual Programming

Pro­gram descrip­tions avail­able here.

Indi­vid­ual Pre­sen­ta­tions: $250 per hour (An hour can be divid­ed into two 30-minute programs.)

Full-day School Vis­it: $1000

Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Work­shops: $500 per hour

In-Person Programming

Pro­gram descrip­tions avail­able here.

Full-day School Vis­it: $2000
Dis­count may be avail­able for mul­ti-day visits.

Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Work­shops: $3000 per day
Indi­vid­ual PD work­shops avail­able local­ly or when com­bined with a school visit.

Fam­i­ly Lit­er­a­cy Pro­grams: $600
Avail­able local­ly or when com­bined with a school visit.

Customary Travel Expenses

More than 75 miles from Acton, MA? Please add mileage, meals, and hotel.

More than 100 miles from Acton, MA? Please add mileage, meals, hotel, and air­fare (if need­ed). A mul­ti-day vis­it is required. You can coor­di­nate with oth­er schools in your area to split the costs, or check with Melis­sa to see if your loca­tion might fit into her exist­ing trav­el schedule.

Melissa Stewart
Melis­sa Stewart

For more infor­ma­tion or to book a date, please con­tact Melis­sa.

School Visit Slideshow

Watch this School Vis­its Slideshow to see how Melis­sa taps into the delight and fas­ci­na­tion chil­dren have for nature and learn­ing via the tools that nature provides.