When Rain Falls

When Rain Falls

illus by Con­stance R. Bergum

Peachtree, 2008

for ages 4–8

ISBN 978–1‑5614–5438‑0 (HC)

When Rain Falls

ISBN 978–1‑68263–100‑3 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

We go inside when the rain comes down, but where do ani­mals go? That depends on the kind of ani­mal and where it lives. Bees hide in hives and ants stay safe in under­ground nests. Squir­rels pull their long bushy tails over their heads like umbrel­las. Cater­pil­lars crawl under leaves. Using clear, sim­ple lan­guage, When Rain Falls offers young read­ers a lyri­cal look at how ani­mals liv­ing in forests, fields, wet­lands, and deserts behave dur­ing a rainstorm.

Honors and Awards

  • Hele­na Edu­ca­tion Foun­da­tion Fab­u­lous First Pick
  • Kansas State Read­ing Cir­cle Rec­om­mend­ed Read­ing List
  • Key­stone to Read­ing Book Award Nom­i­nee 2009–2010
  • Sci­ence Books & Films Best Books for Children


“When rain falls, chil­dren go indoors, but what do the ani­mals do? A sim­ple text and gen­tle water­col­or illus­tra­tions, orga­nized by habi­tat, reveal how in forests, fields, wet­lands and deserts 22 dif­fer­ent species respond. … the infor­ma­tion, though sim­ple, is accu­rate [and] should appeal to very young lis­ten­ers curi­ous about the nat­ur­al world.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Stew­art elab­o­rates on how var­i­ous ani­mals react to rain in dif­fer­ent habi­tats: a for­est, a field, a wet­land, and a desert. The exam­ples are clear­ly pre­sent­ed and inter­est­ing (e.g., squir­rels use their bushy tails like umbrel­las, hawks puff up feath­ers to keep warm). Bergum’s well-ren­dered water­col­ors will facil­i­tate group shar­ing … a good choice for rainy-day shar­ing or to intro­duce a weath­er unit.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“Stewart’s lan­guage is easy to read and under­stand, in part because it takes on a lyri­cal feel­ing. The soft water­col­ors of Con­stance Bergum help bring to life the secret activ­i­ties of these ani­mals and their rain-soaked habi­tats … [I]f you want to tap into your child’s curios­i­ty about the nat­ur­al world, inspire a love for sci­ence, find a rel­e­vant book for the rainy sea­son, or if you’re just look­ing for a good read, When Rain Falls, will cov­er all the bases.” (education.com)

“Although the sim­ple writ­ing is intend­ed as an intro­duc­tion to the top­ic, the gor­geous water­col­or illus­tra­tions will enter­tain the adults expect­ed to turn the pages.” (Min­neapo­lis Star Tri­bune)

“Stew­art has done a nice job by pre­sent­ing dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ments and dif­fer­ent class­es of ani­mals, such as insects, rep­tiles, birds, and mam­mals. I can see using this book … while teach­ing the water cycle, ecosys­tems, or ani­mal adap­ta­tions. Each visu­al is an excel­lent rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the ani­mals in their sur­round­ings. • delight­ful and infor­ma­tion­al. This would be a won­der­ful way to share learn­ing about nature with our younger sci­en­tists.” (Library Media Con­nec­tion)

“… a beau­ti­ful book for par­ents and teach­ers to share with preschool and ele­men­tary school chil­dren. … Each pair of pages has a mul­ti­pan­el illus­tra­tion includ­ing details of the ani­mals them­selves and their habi­tats. Cut­away draw­ings pro­vide a clear view of under­ground and enclosed ani­mal homes. This book will spark dis­cus­sions of where dif­fer­ent ani­mals live and the dif­fer­ent things ani­mals do when the weath­er changes.” (Sci­ence Books & Film)

Behind the Book

“The orig­i­nal idea for this book traces all the way back to 1996, when I saw a doc­u­men­tary called Micro­cos­mos. Using tiny fiber optic cam­eras, the film­mak­ers allowed movie­go­ers to view the world from the per­spec­tive of ants and cater­pil­lars, snails and frogs, and oth­er small crea­tures. In one mem­o­rable sequence, lady­bugs and water strid­ers bat­tle “giant” rain drops dur­ing a mid­sum­mer thunderstorm.

“Rain seems harm­less to us, but it can seri­ous­ly injure these lit­tle insects. It’s easy for us to take shel­ter when rain falls, but most ani­mals don’t have that lux­u­ry. I began to won­der what they did dur­ing the rain. As I researched, I found some great sto­ries, and I’ve includ­ed my favorite ones in this book.”

Series at a Glance

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When Rain Falls

When Rain Falls

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus by Con­stance R. Bergum

Peachtree, 2008

for ages 4–8

ISBN 978–1‑5614–5438‑0 (HC)

When Rain Falls

ISBN 978–1‑68263–100‑3 (PB)

Pur­chase this book at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

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