A Place for Frogs

by Melissa Stewart
illus by Higgins Bond
Peachtree, 2016
for Ages 4–8
ISBN978‑1–56145-901–8 (HC)
ISBN978‑1–56145-902–5 (PB)
Purchase either of these books at your local independent bookseller or Amazon.com.
This eloquent and informative picture book shows describes some of the ways people are protecting frogs and their habitats. Pointers on how youngsters can help frogs as well as a variety of fascinating facts about the little leapers are included.
Honors and Awards
- Cybils Award Nominee, Nonfiction Picture Book
- Green Earth Book Award Honor Book
- National Science Teachers Association recommended book
“[T]his wide-format book shows how people’s actions have endangered frogs and what has been done to reverse those environmental threats. A typical double-page spread includes a large, detailed acrylic painting showing various frogs in their habitats; a text for younger children that comments on what frogs need and how people can protect them; and a sidebar telling how a particular species has been threatened and later saved through research and intervention. The message that people’s actions can sometimes save endangered species is heartening. The presentation concludes with advice on helping frogs, a page of miscellaneous “Frog Facts,” and a selected bibliography. Divided into 12 panels, the endpapers show the ranges of a dozen North American frog species mentioned. Written and illustrated with young children in mind, this book is a good starting place for environmental studies.” (Booklist)
“Kids should have fun poring over the frogs in this book while teachers and librarians can coordinate it with a lesson on life cycles, the environment, and habitats.” (Simply Science blog)
“Stewart has a gift for offering scientific information in an inviting way for children. She never talks down to them, but keeps the facts interesting and brief. The focus on the environment makes this book a good one for green units or programs. The information offered gives children a way to make a difference for these fascinating creatures … Highly recommended, this book belongs in every public library. Children will pick it up for love of the animal and in the process learn about their own impact on frogs.” (Kids Lit)
“A simple text runs along the top of each illustrated spread, describing a human threat to frogs … and then suggesting a solution. A realistic acrylic painting depicts one or more frogs in their natural habitat, while a sidebar identifies the species shown and briefly presents a case study of how they were threatened and the efforts made to save them. … Stewart’s beautifully illustrated title centers on how humans negatively affect wildlife and makes a strong case for conservation.” (School Library Journal)
“A Place for Frogs is a beautiful frog primer introducing children ages 6–10 to the myriad varieties of frogs, their lifestyles and habitats, their beneficial nature, and their complex role as an index species. Detailed paintings and illustrations of many different frogs and toads add depth to A Place for Frogs. In addition to many fascinating frog facts, A Place for Frogs makes many suggestions for ways that we can help frogs to thrive and survive today.” (Children’s Bookwatch)
“This big, bold book is as much about habitats as frogs, and both topics will fascinate elementary students. Two levels of text, one primary and one more advanced, are supported by large illustrations. It’s easy to imagine reading the basic text aloud, then using the enhanced information for explanations, teacher background, or for more advanced students to explore. … Coupled with an aquarium of tadpoles and a schoolyard pond or wetland walk, this is a perfect resource.” (National Science Teachers Association)
Behind the Book
“After the success of A Place for Butterflies, my editor asked suggested a companion title about birds and asked if I could think of other interesting animals to feature in future titles. Frogs immediately came to mind. These little amphibians are in trouble globally for a wide variety of reasons, so I had no trouble coming up with examples for the book. In fact, the problem was trying to decide which ones to leave out. I chose examples from a variety of habitats and geographic areas. I was delighted to work with illustrator Higgins Bond for a third time. Her rich, colorful paintings really bring frogs to life. I especially like the one that looks like it’s jumping right off the cover of the book.”

by Melissa Stewart
illus by Higgins Bond
Peachtree, 2016
for Ages 4–8
ISBN978‑1–56145-901–8 (HC)
ISBN978‑1–56145-902–5 (PB)
Purchase either of these books at your local independent bookseller or Amazon.com.
Book Extensions