A Place for Fish

by Melissa Stewart
illus by Higgins Bond
Peachtree, 2015
for Ages 4–8
ISBN 978–1‑68263–011‑2 (HC)
ISBN 978–1‑68263–012‑9 (PB)
Purchase either of these books at your local independent bookseller or Amazon.com.
Simple yet informative language complimented by stunning illustrations introduce young readers to ways human action or inaction can affect fish populations and opens kids minds to a wide range of environmental issues. Describing various examples from Florida’s spotted trunkfish to the Atlantic salmon the text provides an intriguing look at fish, at the ecosystems that support their survival, and at the efforts of some people to save them.
Honors and Awards
- Cybils Award Nominee
- Green Earth Book Award Finalist
- National Aquarium Read to Reed Book
- National Science Teachers Association—Children’s Book Council
- Outstanding Science Trade Book
- Reading Rockets See the Sea! Book
“Environmental threats facing fish in various habitats around the world are introduced in a picture-book, read-aloud format. … The information is presented in a simple … way for young readers. The full-color illustrations on every page are very detailed.” (School Library Journal)
“A Place for Fish is clear, concise, and written in short sentences that make it easy for children to understand. It is also quite lovely to behold, with brilliant illustrations (by artist Higgins Bond) that are so realistic, you’ll feel as if you can touch the fish with your fingers, or stick your big toe in the cool blue water. Whether you teach a classroom full of budding scientists or you’re a parent hoping to instill a sense of love and caring in your little nature-lover, you’ll absolutely adore this book.” (Picture Book Depot)
“Following a similar format to Stewart’s other A Place for … titles, which have focused on butterflies, birds, and frogs, this picture-book introduction to fish combines a bi-level text with beautiful acrylic paintings that showcase endangered wildlife in their natural watery habitats. In clear, brief, basic language, Stewart shows how human activity threatens fish and what we can do to allow them to “live and grow.” Longer sidebars, written with more complex vocabulary than the main body of text, spotlight particular species. A spread of “Fascinating Fish Facts” closes this attractive, informative introduction to fish and their conservation.” (Booklist)
“A Place for Fish by Melissa Stewart is a gentle and important reminder to young people that fish make our world a beautiful place and we need to make sure we don’t do anything to harm them. … Stewart brings young readers through a story of how human action, and sometimes inaction, can create issues for our friends living in the water. With tons of facts and stunning illustrations provided by Higgins Bond, your child can learn ways to help protect these important creatures.” (The Children and Teen Book Connection)
Behind the Book
“After the success of A Place for Butterflies, my editor suggested a companion title about birds and asked if I could think of other interesting animals to feature in future titles. One of the creatures on my list was fish.
“Why fish? Because they don’t get much respect. You almost never see them so much as mentioned in children’s books about conservation or endangered animals. I thought it was time for a change.
“For most of the books in this series, I’ve scoured the country for experts to talk to. But not this time. It just so happens that my brother is a wetland scientist, and he has lots of colleagues who know all about the fish living in lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, and even the ocean. Getting my brother’s input made this book extra fun to research and write.”

by Melissa Stewart
illus by Higgins Bond
Peachtree, 2015
for Ages 4–8
ISBN 978–1‑68263–011‑2 (HC)
ISBN 978–1‑68263–012‑9 (PB)
Purchase either of these books at your local independent bookseller or Amazon.com.