A Place for Turtles

A Place for Turtles

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus by Hig­gins Bond

Peachtree, 2016

for Ages 4–8

ISBN978‑1–56145-901–8 (HC)

ISBN978‑1–56145-902–5 (PB)

Pur­chase either of these books at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

In sim­ple yet infor­ma­tive lan­guage, A Place for Tur­tles intro­duces young read­ers to ways human action or inac­tion can affect tur­tle pop­u­la­tions and opens kids’ minds to a wide range of envi­ron­men­tal issues. Describ­ing var­i­ous exam­ples, the text pro­vides an intrigu­ing look at tur­tles, at the ecosys­tems that sup­port their sur­vival, and at the efforts to save them. The author includes a list of things read­ers can do to help pro­tect tur­tles in their own com­mu­ni­ties. Artist Hig­gins Bond’s glo­ri­ous full-col­or illus­tra­tions vivid­ly and accu­rate­ly depict the tur­tles and their surroundings.

Honors and Awards

  • Alaba­ma Camel­lia Book Award Nominee
  • Delaware Dia­mond Book Award Nominee
  • Green Earth Book Award
  • Mass­a­chu­setts Book Award Finalist
  • Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ers Association-Children’s Book Council
  • Out­stand­ing Sci­ence Trade Book
  • Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ers Asso­ci­a­tion Rec­om­mend­ed Title
  • Sig­urd F. Olson Nature Writ­ing Award for Chil­dren’s Literature
  • Soci­ety of School Librar­i­ans Inter­na­tion­al Book Awards, Hon­or Book, Sci­ence K‑12


“Tur­tles have lived on Earth for more than 220 mil­lion years, but mod­ern envi­ron­men­tal stres­sors make their exis­tence in sev­er­al regions of the world a ten­u­ous one. Using exam­ples of spe­cif­ic tur­tles and the regions where they live, Stew­art blends a sto­ry­book-style nar­ra­tive with fac­tu­al mar­gin­a­lia to present a wide range of eco­log­i­cal chal­lenges in this newest install­ment in the A Place for … series. Inter­posed with col­or­ful and high­ly detailed acrylic illus­tra­tions, top­ics such as pol­lu­tion, inva­sive species, and ecosys­tem destruc­tion are all men­tioned. Maps cov­er vir­tu­al­ly all parts of the Unit­ed States and detail the types of tur­tles indige­nous to each region. While the top­ic of the book is clear­ly tur­tles, the nar­ra­tive rais­es points of con­ver­sa­tion on a host of envi­ron­men­tal issues and will get young minds think­ing about the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of organ­isms, ecol­o­gy, and the impact of human actions on the world around them. A class­room-friend­ly blend of sto­ry and fact.” (Book­list)

“A tale of tur­tles, inva­sive species, loss of habi­tat, envi­ron­men­tal tragedies, and the impact one organ­ism has on the food web are all inter­wo­ven into A Place for Tur­tles by Melis­sa Stew­art. The text presents a state­ment about tur­tles on one page and fol­lows with a solu­tion to the prob­lem on the fac­ing page. For exam­ple, the bog tur­tle is nest­ing in a habi­tat over­run by pur­ple looses­trife. The fac­ing page dis­cuss­es the need to con­trol the growth of inva­sive plants so habi­tat is not lost. Inset text pro­vides up-close and per­son­al infor­ma­tion about growth, devel­op­ment, or cur­rent sta­tus of tur­tles. Each tur­tle has a fea­tured set of pages with­in the book, increas­ing the read­er’s aware­ness of the dan­gers tur­tles face across the coun­try.” (Sci­ence and Chil­dren)

“Anoth­er strong title in the A Place for … series, this book … makes for an engag­ing way to present the infor­ma­tion, giv­ing read­ers the sense of dig­ging deep­er into the more spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion. The empha­sis here is on being a good stew­ard of the envi­ron­ment and the way that humans can ensure the con­tin­ued sur­vival of tur­tles. Stew­art writes with an engag­ing tone, invit­ing young read­ers to explore the sub­ject. Bond’s illus­tra­tions cap­ture the beau­ty of both the habi­tat and the crea­tures. A fine choice for library non­fic­tion col­lec­tions, this is a great intro­duc­tion to tur­tles and an inspir­ing call to action for chil­dren.” (Wak­ing Brain Cells blog)

Behind the Book

“This is the sixth and final (at least for now) book in the A Place for … series. When I sub­mit­ted the pro­pos­al for A Place for But­ter­flies to my edi­tor in 2001, I had no idea that I was embark­ing on an incred­i­ble 12-year journey.

“I have learned so much while research­ing and writ­ing these books, and I’m delight­ed that the series includes an insect, a mam­mal, an amphib­ian, a rep­tile, and a vari­ety of fish­es and birds. Hope­ful­ly, young read­ers will come to under­stand that the crea­tures around us face many chal­lenges, and that by work­ing togeth­er, we can make a dif­fer­ence. As my titles sug­gest, my great­est hope is that there will always be a place for the vast array of liv­ing things that share our planet.”

Series at a Glance

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A Place for …

A Place for Turtles

by Melis­sa Stewart

illus by Hig­gins Bond

Peachtree, 2016

for Ages 4–8

ISBN978‑1–56145-901–8 (HC)

ISBN978‑1–56145-902–5 (PB)

Pur­chase either of these books at your local inde­pen­dent book­seller or Amazon.com.

Book Extensions